Page 55

Omg Armaeus you need to chill

13 thoughts on “Page 55

  1. Has Armaeus already forgotten he can be slapped across the field as many times as the boss likes?

  2. Yes, go on and tell a Prince of Hell that something is impossible. That’s gonna work out real well for ya.

  3. Ahh those TEETH *swoons*

  4. Oh, Armaeus, you can bitch and moan all you want, but the King has made a decision.

  5. Oooh, look at Prince Prickly-Butt throwing some shade at Bernard. Is it just me, or is it weird that Hadrian is so much more cbill than Arameus? Less to prove, maybe?

    1. Hadrian’s super old and powerful and thus super chill about these little squabbling court demons and their silly opinions 😀

  6. Or maybe Hadrian is just enjoying the show.

  7. Hmmm – Amadeus seems to be VERY upset by this – is there an investment of his that adopting a human might mess up?

    1. I was wondering if Armadeus (danger noodle) was hoping to become the next King and both that hell hound and now that human are getting in his way.

      1. But by his thinking, he should be able to dispose of Timonthy in one aperatif-sized bite, so why so wound up??

  8. In honor of this page I have traveled to my local grocer and named the Tofu section as my son.

  9. yesss teeeth. i really admire how you can get that many big teeth to fit into a human mouth and not make it look absurd- im never satisfied whenever i attempt it so i’m taking notes.

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